This month’s newsletter comes with a special exercise for you! I truly want to help you to heal and live life from a high vibration.

I have hundreds of tools, but these 8 jumped out at me when I was creating this newsletter. These eight tools can change your life if you incorporate them daily.

And the wonderful news is that you probably already use most of them.


Print or draw this circle with the 8 tools.

Sit quietly and contemplate each tool. Place a dot on the line of each segment. The dot represents how much you are currently integrating this tool.

If you place the dot towards the outside of the circle, this indicates that you use this tool often.

If you place the dot towards the centre of the circle, it shows that you do not use this tool very often. If you never use this tool, you will place your dot in the centre of the circle. 

Once you have drawn all 8 dots on the lines of each segment, please join the dots. (See orange lines linking the orange dots in the example).

Look at the shape that you have created. Now you can see which tools you need to incorporate more into your life.

If your drawing looks like a large circle, then congratulate yourself because you are vibrating high by using all 8 tools.

If your circle is not a circle but rather a unique shape, then this is a wonderful realisation because now you know what you can incorporate into your life to help you to feel vibrant and light!

A high vibrational, healthy life includes:

✨Waking up and stretching from head to toe so that your circulation and energy starts to flow.
✨Eating raw fruits and vegetables to bring nutrients and vitality to your cells.
✨Drinking fresh water which hydrates your body & maintains balance.
Self love comes in many forms. Taking a bath, giving yourself a hug, thinking kind thoughts to yourself.
✨Being kind to others opens your heart. With an open heart, your body heals and you live in a positive state of love & happiness. What you send out is what you attract back in.
✨Being in nature heals. The green of the plants, the air that you breathe, the nutrients in the soil, the sounds of the birds – all of this sends frequency waves into your body, mind and soul, and this helps you to feel great.
Meditation is key! Take 20 minutes to meditate. I have a wonderful daily meditation on my YouTube channel. If you subscribe, you’ll automatically have it saved to the top of your YouTube.
✨While sleeping you’re healing & releasing. Set an intention before bed that you release all tension and fill with light in Dreamtime.

I’m excited to share this podcast with you!

I was interviewed by Jasmin @_j_for_joy_  and I absolutely love how she asks questions and shares wisdom. Jasmin has brought out some of my personal journey. If you would like to get to know me better, and receive some insights for your own healing & growth, then have a listen!

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