Where is your gift?


Whatever youre currently experiencing has a gift within it. If youre having a joyful time, the gift is embracing the joy and flowing with it. If youre currently experiencing a challenge, the gift is within the challenge. As you flow through the experience you reach its polar opposite. 

It would be hard to know what gratitude & joy is if you hadn’t experienced loss & sadness. The contrast helps you to experience the different feelings, as well as giving you something to compare it to. 

Another example is if youre experiencing anxiety, deep within that anxiety is the energy of inner peace. WHY? Because everything on earth comes in two! This is the land of duality. 

The polar opposites work together for soul expansion. Even when youre having a wonderful moment, know that the polar opposite feeling still exists somewhere in this universe. 

Everything is always flowing and changing. It’s always contracting and expanding – this is how the soul grows. Remembering this will help you to detach. Because if you attach to the highs and resist the lows – you’ll continue to be slung around on the roller coaster of life. 

The way of healing is through the feeling

You move through the emotion and then you find yourself going into another emotion. Keep flowing. Observe. 

You will flow all the way through to the polar opposite emotion! The polar opposite of anger can be experienced as peace, joy, light & bliss. 

This 3D world of polarity has a 3rd important part to it! By exploring each polar force (dark & light, bliss & sadness, connection & separation) you will find your way to the centre. The centre is where a uniting of the two polar forces takes place. This is the energy of peace, contentment and being present with what is. This is a space of non-judgement, and it is here that you feel completely ok with whatever is happening because you know deep within that everything is energy and every single thing is a gift for your soul.

When you expand your mind to this realisation then there is no blame. There is only deep responsibility for life. You are creating your reality. It’s not happening to you. It’s happening for you

For You

For you to experience, for you to grow, for you to expand! This is your time to shine beautiful soul, take this gift and place it in your heart memory, so that next time you feel an uncomfortable emotion, you’ll have this resource to carry you through. 

You may need to save this newsletter so that you can remember this gift.

Please share this gift with others who also may need to be reminded. 

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