Awakening to the chakras
You are reading about this workshop because your soul has guided you here.
Awakening to the Chakras is a gentle journey of self-discovery, healing and balance. You will learn about the chakras, how to connect with them, and Natalie will share techniques for releasing stuck energy, healing yourself and increasing your light.
The seven major chakras, or spinning vortices of energy, are an inward map that help us to understand ourselves better and give us direction on our ascension path. They are complex energy wheels that communicate with each other and with us, all we need to do is connect and listen.
Experience, surrender and trust are key; this is why Natalie teaches through activities, exercises, practical and theory.
As we move up through the chakras you will increase your vibration and light.
Deepening your intuition
Deep within us is a voice, vibration, guidance and knowing. We all have it because we are born with it. It is our spirit, our intuition, our all-knowing!
Natalie can see, sense and feel what the body, mind and soul are communicating, and she has spent many years listening and trusting in this. While contemplating how to share this with others, she channeled, and this workshop was created.
Deepening Your Intuition is a workshop where you will get to know your intuition, create a deep connection with your soul, and learn to expand and trust in its teachings. Through meditation, exercises, visualisations, readings, energetic connections, relaxation techniques, breath work and theory, you will dive into truths that await.
You will be given many tools to continue on this path of deepening your intuition.
Healing Retreats
A healing retreat with Natalie is a completely enlightening experience. You will receive channeled guidance, support, healing and light. Natalie’s gentle angelic energy touches every soul. The retreat includes healing hatha yoga, reiki, meditation, rituals, ceremonies, workshops in wellness and balance, healing, spiritual growth through exercises & activities, and many tools and techniques to incorporate into your daily life. During the retreat you will experience a deep letting go and unfolding into the beautiful soul that you are. This is a deeply healing and transformational retreat that calls all who are awakened and ready to expand into the light.
Hotel Brio is a nestled away on a gentle hill overlooking the Pacific ocean. With ocean views, less than an 8 minute walk to the beach, and magical sunsets, connecting with nature and your soul, happens with every breath. Throughout the retreat you will have plenty of time to relax in a hammock, drink a fresh juice or cocktail, enjoy a swim in the pool, or a surf in the ocean. All meals are freshly prepared and made with love.
The retreat is one week: 7 nights and 6 days.
Natalie and her loving team welcome you to Hotel Brio in Nicaragua.
I am also open to running retreats worldwide, in beautiful venues where soul connection happens naturally. Please contact me if you are interested in joining a retreat in Nicaragua, or if you would like me to host in an area near you.
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