I almost died which made me appreciate being alive!
Back in my 20’s I was traveling in Bali when I got bitten by a mosquito that was carrying Cerebral Malaria. It took about a week for it to fully kick in. At first I thought that I had a fever, but then when I was walking around the streets of Kuta I realised that something bigger was happening to me!
Everything went white. I felt faint. I didn’t know what was happening!
And the angels were definitely looking after me because my travel friend, Lolly, happened to walk into the restaurant where I had maneuvered into. She walked in and scooped me under her arm.
That night I convinced her that I’ll be ok, so she went out to enjoy the nightlife. For a 20-something year old Kuta had a great vibe. While she was out she had a feeling to come back and check on me. Thank goodness she did!
I was talking to the ceiling fan. Everything had turned into energy, and I was completely confused.
Lolly managed to get me to the local hospital where they took blood tests and told me that I had the worst type of Malaria because it attacks the brain. I had to be flown to Singapore for better medical care.
I spent two weeks in hospital. Every day I willed my body to heal. I rested. I trusted. I healed.
This experience awakened something within me.
I realised how truly precious life is and that no day should ever be taken for granted. It scared me but also inspired me. It showed me how much I love being alive.
This human experience is very precious. The Angels of Light tell me that so many souls are ‘lining up’ in the higher dimensions for an opportunity to grow & learn on earth. They say that learning happens much faster on earth because we can release many layers of karma, ancestral patterns and past lives in a short amount of time. We get to experience what it’s like to feel emotions, as well as create through our minds. It truly is a magnificent place to be.
May this message inspire you today. Take a moment to think about 11 things that you are grateful for? You’re welcome to share one or two of them with me.