Comfort, truth and guidance

With the new moon on November 1st something was happening to me… it started the week before actually. It was Monday, and I felt incredibly sad for no reason. So I used my own advice and I allowed myself to just sit with the emotion. I allowed the tears. I felt the discomfort in my heart/chest area, and I cried. I also noticed something else happening in the background of this emotional release – it was my mind. My mind was trying to find answers. It wanted to pin-point why I was feeling this way. It wanted to make excuses or stories. It couldn’t accept that this was just an emotion moving through my body. I held space for this. Watching my mind. Watching my emotions. And not trying to force or stop anything. Not trying to attach to it either. I was being… just being.

And in this moment of being I realised that I was not any of this. I was not the emotion of sadness, nor the nattering mind. I was the thing that was watching this show.

I have been the observer so many times… but this time something felt different. I could feel an awareness that was stronger than before. I all of a sudden was out of the dream – completely! I was no longer Natalie.

To me, this is a big step in awakening and I share it with you because these words might create a ripple of light within you on your own awakening journey.

Beneath the waves there is a deep ocean. Here you will find you.

What does this mean?

The waves are the thoughts. Some waves slap you in the face. Other waves are fun and you ride them to the shore. But they are all still waves. Waves are thoughts. Drop beneath the thoughts to the depth of the ocean. There is an inner stillness that is always there – this is YOU.

Here is a meditation with channeled guidance to support you in your own journey. I share it with you with so much love:

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