From a young age I could sense things and was able to channel messages and energy. At the age of about 5 or 6, I had a profound spiritual experience. I was sitting in the back of the car staring out of the window, when I asked the Universe/Source/God, ‘If there wasn’t all of this, all of these physical things, what is there?’ This question opened me to an incredible feeling of expansion and love. I felt the light of Source enter my cells, fill my heart and expand my consciousness. And it is this inner knowing that has guided me to grow, learn and teach others the truths that I channel.
At 18, I fully discovered my inner gifts. I was driving down the West Coast of South Africa, listening to music and enjoying the magical stillness of the early morning, when out of nowhere pure divine light energy came pouring through my crown, causing me to cry tears of joy, and my hands were shaking from the high vibration. I sent this energy out to earth and the drivers passing. It was such a strong current of light, that I felt a shift in my whole body. At this time of my life, I was working in a small restaurant where more spiritual experiences followed.
One afternoon while reading a book, my eyes began playing tricks on me, so I went to the Optometrist. On finding out I had perfect vision, I booked an appointment with a chiropractic doctor who I knew. He told me that the colours and lights that I was seeing were auras. At the restaurant, a customer approached me and said that I am a healer, a psychic and have come down to earth to help with Ascension. The lady explained that I have the same gift as her and that I have over 120 Angels working with me.
Since I first realised my gifts, I have healed and helped many people worldwide, both with hands on and distance healing, including the Royal Family of Morocco, celebrities and even the skeptics.
I have written my own manuals for Reiki First Degree, Second Degree and an all encompassing Reiki Master which includes holistic healing tools and techniques. Empowering others to be healers is my passion, and I work with the angels and beings of light when teaching the wisdom of Reiki.
I am a dedicated, compassionate healer and teacher, and I love to share and remind everyone that these gifts are within us all! I am here to help you to find your inner light, truth and happiness.
My husband and I have found a magical place in Nicaragua – Hotel Brio. We have travelled to many places to find this special one. Here, I offer in-person Intuitive Reiki healing treatments, teach courses, workshops, lead group meditations, and plan to offer more. Watch this space for more information on upcoming retreats, workshops and courses.
I was a guest on Wisdom From North. It was incredible because so much energy and light came through, and you will feel it!
You can see the whole episode here: